La Maschera di Bolzano

The project has an ambitious and innovative goal: starting a shared project open to citizens aimed to collectively design a mask for the city of Bolzano by Carnival 2023.

To reach this goal we would like to create a program consisting of events and collective reflection moments about meanings and origin of masks, aimed to design and create an artifact that represents Bolzano and its citizens’ identity.

A shared creation process from which expressions, meanings and social dynamics of the community in which we live could emerge.

With the support of researchers, professionals, anthropologists and experts in the field of masks and masquerade, we will draw a “map of the existing”, a series of guidelines that will help us in understanding the already existing traditions, stories, legends and myths or ancient figures that could inspire us, here in South Tyrol.

The starting question was the following: beyond individual representations, could a “community mask” - as a collection of personal and collective experiences - exist? If so, what is the one that could effectively portray Bolzano? What would it look like?

Citizens, adults or children, will be asked to answer a survey, aimed to detect aesthetic and symbolic references as a starting point to imagine and create Bolzano’s Mask.


Partner e sostenitori
Teatro Cristallo
Teatro Cristallo Young
Assessorato alle Politiche Sociali, al Tempo Libero e allo Sport del Comune di Bolzano
Ufficio Politiche Giovanili della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Museo Internazionale della Maschera Amleto e Donato Sartori
Centro Maschere e Strutture Gestuali
Compagnia Teatrale Pantakin
Compagnia Teatrale BRAT